Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Singing in the Shower

It's 2 in the AM, and I just finished a long day of grading. So, I should be going to bed, but I wanted to get this blog a rollin! I've got all sorts of horrible things to say about you people and it cannot wait! You'll want to listen to this as you read the story:

It's only fair I start with Kellie. That's the point of this blog, right? To tell stories about how our siblings have wronged us? Well, when I was a wee child growing up in Goshen, I used to love singing in the shower. I don't know if anything brought me as much joy. As we all know, the acoustics in any shower are uh-mazing.

So, one day, I was really belting out some classic. I wish I could remember what I even would sing in the shower. I don't remember having any sort of musical taste in Indiana. It was probably MC Hammer or New Kids on the Block because I remember Miriam having that awesome music.

So, let's pretend that I'm busting out some classic from New Kids because that will make the story worse. I'm just minding my own business singing like crazy when suddenly the door to the bathroom flies open and ALL of my friends and their friends and their friends are outside of the bathroom. Miriam had invited them all over to come upstairs and listen in on my impromptu concert. I do have a beautiful singing voice, so I can understand it more as I think about it today.

Here's the kicker to this story. I spent probably 20 years blaming Miriam for this and in all honesty holding a grudge against her for it because that is how I am. A couple of years ago, I finally confronted Miriam about it. And it turns out, she wasn't the one that invited ALL of my friends and their friends and their friends up to my beautiful rendition of NKOTB's The Right Stuff. It was that dirty, rotten Kellie!!! My twin. My partner-in-crime. My Brutus!

To this day, I don't sing in the shower. And if I do, I do it quietly because there is no telling who is standing outside of the bathroom door. And while I'm at it, I'm just going to go ahead and blame Kellie and this incident on my never singing in Choirs too.

I don't know if I have any other stories actually. I spent 20 years just ruminating on that one so none of the others stuck.


  1. The way I remember it, you were singing on the toilet, not in the shower.

    1. Ha! That's even worse if that is the case.

  2. I don't remember this story at all actually. How in the world could it have been me when I am the loving, caring sister? And when you say friends with their friends with their friends, you probably just mean Jeremy and that other kid Christopher maybe, that lived close by (oh man, my memory is shot). Or it was probably really just Erin, Miriam and I standing at the door.

    1. As I remember it, there were at least 41 people there.

  3. Oh and it was proably really Dan Seals or Alabama that you were singing.

  4. Setting the record straight: You may not sing in the shower currently but you spent hours singing in the upstairs shower. And not very quietly

  5. It's too bad we didn't record any of the singing in the shower. Then we could have shared it with the world. Or at least 42 people. Best shower singer ever!
