Sunday, May 19, 2013

A short, early memory

Down the street from our house in Idaho was a field with some horses that Miriam and I liked to visit. There was also a tree house of some sort near the horses? One day, Miriam was down there climbing up to the tree house, and she stepped on a nail. I think she was wearing flipflops, and the nail went through her flipflops into her heel. She limped home, trailing blood the whole way. I think I was with her, but judging by how badly I'm remembering this story, maybe I wasn't. Miriam will have to retell it since her memory is perfect.

The point of this story is this: we moved away from Idaho when I was seven, which means that this story happened when I was younger than seven and Miriam was younger than nine. I remember playing unsupervised in the field across from our house in Idaho all the time. I also remember walking to friends' houses in the neighborhood by myself. We would also walk down the street to a convenience store and buy lollipops - our babysitter was with us, but she was like twelve. That is so crazy to me!


  1. Was I even born for this one!?!?!

  2. Josh says: Was one of the horses named Cinnamon?

  3. My memory is perfect, thanks Erin!

    The field was just at the end out our block, so not far. Mom could have yelled and we could have heard her. Yes I did step on a nail with flip flops. I rode my bike home, "trailing blood" behind me. The horrible part I remember is her making me soak my foot in the bathroom sink while she talked to the dr about needing a tetanus shot, which was worse than the actual hole in my foot.

    As for the freedom to which we roamed, I know! Right!!! It's crazy! The only thing I can think is she had 4 kids in 5 years. Two being twins and she needed us out of the house! Plus, it was a small town, different time, and I might have been young but my brain/spirit has always been old. Do you know that I babysat once or twice for other people and we moved when I was 9? Just think about that????? Weird?
