Saturday, November 16, 2013

Soapity Soap


I'm sure you all saw this on the Facebook, but I'm not going to ask if you remember how awesome I was growing up with my art, basketball skills and good looks. We definitely all remember that the same way.
The main point is--does anyone else remember this soap growing up? I had forgotten about this stuff until I pulled out this painting. I am 73% sure this is what gave me eczema. Ha! Just kidding, Mom. I'm not kidding, guys. I put this in a smaller font assuming Mom and Dad's poor eyesight couldn't read it.This stuff was the worst, right? I think maybe the only thing worse was showering at Grandma Alley's and not even being able to get the soap off because of the low water pressure.

1 comment:

  1. You know, speaking of Grandma Alley's soap, you should have made artwork from hers because her soap was always in neat seashell shapes. Plus, yes, I hated that soap. Personally I think bar soap should be banned from the universe, especially when they get down to the part where you have to start to scrape it off the soap holder. Or when it gets too thin you can't even hold it in your hand, but you don't want to open another soap because then you'd have to add the not-finished-yet soap to the new soap and that makes the new soap a weird shape. It's just all TOO complicated!!

    So Josh, thanks for drawing that soap to keep it's memory preserved forever...
