Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ice Cream Pizza

I'm not sure why I was thinking of this, but I needed help remembering what happened.

So it was during the time that Ice Cream Cookie Pizzas were becoming pretty popular.  I know at one time Erin, maybe Josh and myself decided we wanted to make our own.  So we walked to the Food Lion to buy the ingredients.

1)  Why did we walk?
2)  Did we walk back?
3)  How did the ice cream not melt if we walked back?
4)  Food Lion is a bit of a walk, what were we thinking???
5)  Did this actually happen or was it just a dream?          


  1. 1) We walked because I have always had this romantic notion about walking places and was always trying to get people to walk with me. Another time, we walked to the Subway/gas station on the corner of Broadway and 31W. I walked home from school a couple times.

    2) We did not walk back. Someone came and got us.

    3) Were we really buying ice cream? That seems pretty stupid of us.

    4) It's only 2 miles. Maybe 2.5. Google maps can't pinpoint the exact location of Mom and Dad's house or the old Food Lion.

    5) It really happened, but the ice cream part sounds suspect.

  2. One Thanksgiving while the turkey was cooking and I was trying to control my hatred of the whole turkey day dinner experience, we decided to walk to Food Lion. I don't remember why we decided to go but it was great. I think it was me and Erin and Kellie. Anyone else remember?
